Kalangadoo Primary School’s curriculum is based on the Australian Curriculum which covers the below learning areas:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Technologies
- Health and Physical Education
- The Arts
- Humanities and Social Sciences
We use the curriculum to:
- plan student learning
- monitor and assess student progress
- report student progress to parents
- support student wellbeing
Please don’t hesitate to visit the school or contact us if you are considering Kalangadoo Primary School for your child.
Visit curriculum in South Australia for more information.
Learning programs
We offer one-to-one intervention for our students in mathematics with a focus on number with the Too Smart program. We provide speech intervention support, whole school guided reading to target individual needs and intervention programs as required for literacy.
We have a focus on the community and wellbeing at Kalangadoo Primary School. We use positive and proactive behaviour strategies, and support students to develop their individual skills, while also connecting with the co-located Kindy and other community members.
Eligible students have access to programs such as GRIP (Generosity, Responsibility, Integrity, People) and the Young Environmental Leaders Program (YELP) that allow them to represent our school, while bringing them together with other likeminded students from across the region. 2025 will also see our Upper Primary students take part in the ‘Walking The Seasons’ program, working together with students from other local schools in combining cultural knowledge with modern science to learn more about our local animals, plants, landscapes and climate.
Camps and excursions
Being a small, community school, we pride ourselves on providing opportunities for our students to experience our wider community. All students participate in swimming lessons in term 1 as well as at least one excursion each term. Each year, students get the opportunity to take part in a school camp. In recent years, students have attended camps at Noorla Yo-long Outdoor Adventure camp, Woodhouse Adventure Park in the Adelaide Hills and Ballarat, including Ballarat Wildlife Park, Sovereign Hill and Kryal Castle.
Students participate in swimming lessons in Term 1 each year and we also have our own Sports Day here at school every year, where our two sports teams, Lowan and Koorine, compete. Our students have access to regular sporting lessons with a variety of different sports through the Sporting Schools Grant program and the option to participate in a range of SAPSASA (South Australian Primary Schools Amateur Sports Association) events throughout the year.
We offer a range of experiences in the arts, including music, dance, drama and media. The program helps develop students’ creativity, confidence, cultural knowledge and critical thinking.
Our program includes:
- coming together with other schools to participate in choir
- participation in the Primary School Music Festival
- art experiences with visiting artists, including a workshop to help design our school mural
- entering student works for display in local shows and events
- excursions (where available) to watch performances and other similar experiences
- regular school assemblies involving public speaking and other presentation items by the students
- an end-of-year performance, often involving singing, dancing and acting.