Specialist programs
Find out about some of the special learning opportunities our school offers.
Arts Experiences
We strive to offer students a variety of experiences in the Arts, including music, dance, drama and media. These experiences help develop students’ creativity, confidence, cultural knowledge and critical thinking.
Our program includes:
- school choir, with participation in the Primary Schools’ Music Festival
- regular art classes across a variety of topics
- visiting artists, offering sessions on various artistic styles and mediums such as mural artists, textile and mixed media artists, author/illustrators
- excursions to engage with some of the performances on offer around the region
- cultural experiences involving music, song, dance and storytelling
- involvement in planning and design for whole school art projects
- producing works for display in local community events
- students regularly host our whole school assemblies and participate in an end-of-year performance.
Students can develop their self-confidence and team building skills throughout the year with a range of different sporting opportunities. Some of which include:
- our annual school sports day
- swimming and aquatics lessons
- the opportunity to experience a variety of sports through the Sporting Schools program
- the chance to participate in various SAPSASA events
- sports excursions and experiences such as gymnastics, tenpin bowling and swimming
We also offer lunchtime activities in the gymnasium when the weather is poor, which can vary from fun games to basketball to dancing.
French is our language of study for all students. Each class has a 1-hour lesson per week, which helps students learn to speak the language and understand French culture.
Some of the things the French program includes is:
- learning about French art, dance and music
- celebrating French events, like Bastille Day
Learning a language:
- helps students gain a broader cultural perspective
- opens up career pathways
- promotes social cohesion and cross-cultural understanding.
Community and Wellbeing
At Kalangadoo Primary School we have a strong focus on whole school wellbeing and connection, both with each other and with the wider community.
Our students have access to a variety of tools and strategies to assist them in maintaining their health and wellbeing. Breakfast Club is open every morning where students can choose from several breakfast options to help ensure a healthy start to their day. We also have regular visits from our Pastoral Care Worker (PCW) and Mental Health Practitioner who are able to offer advice and support at both individual and whole school level. Family and friends are welcome to visit our school and take at look at our learning during regular open classroom events.
Our school hosts the Kalangadoo Remembrance Day Ceremony each year and our students regularly represent the school by attending other important local events such as the ANZAC Dawn Service and recent Ash Wednesday 40 year Memorial Ceremony. Our Governing Council, staff and students often hold stalls and hosts children’s craft activities at the local Farmers’ Market seasonal fair days and annual Penola Coonawarra Arts Festival events. We have strong ties to local businesses, CFS and Lions Club groups. The town is home to a very competitive football and netball club, with many students and their families involved with local sports.
Our school also has links with other schools and organizations through our ongoing updates and upgrades, as well as various arts, culture and information sessions. We are also able to use our school gardens and unique wetland area as a means for engaging with additional learning opportunities and the wider community.